The Three Little Kittens Part 7

When I was preparing the nursery for the baby kittens, of course toys had to be included to the things I knew they would need; water, food, litter box. I had a couple of toys that had been missed being passed on after I lost Momi, so bought them a few little mice and a package of balls.

The kittens remind me of soccer players, the way they play together with the balls on the tile floor. One will start chasing it around and the others will come in and intercept and take it in another direction. No still shots of this fun so you’ll just have to imagine – kitty soccer players. What a hoot! It is always a game when we go to collect the balls from the deep recesses where they hide; under the couch, the bookshelf, caught between the wheels on my office chair. I’m on my hands and knees with a flashlight and a stick, they wait anxiously for the treasures buried in the darkness.

I had forgotten how much kittens/cats enjoy boxes and bags. I spent money on toys that I didn’t need to. One of my clients asked me if I wanted some boxes not long after I brought them home. They drink wine from boxes and had a couple that were just the right size for these kittens antics. I wanted more laughter in my life, and they continue to provide it.

Kittens playing in and with a wine box

I like to keep a clean house and now I have boxes, bags and what might appear to be trash littering my living room floor. That paper towel center, oh my gosh how they cracked me up!! Sticking their little nose into one end and chasing it across the room. Laughing out loud has become a regular thing at my house thanks to these little babies. I know that laughter is one of the best medicines we can give our bodies.

The first day of adoption, a friend brought over the toy with the ball that they chase around and can’t get out. This one has little doors in the center where treats can be hidden inside and they have to move the cover to get to the food. It didn’t take them long to figure that one out. They are so smart, they continue to amaze me as they learn about life around them and what their abilities are. I am pretty sure most parents feel that way about their children, so I truly am getting to experience parenthood through these kittens. And the laughter continues!! One evening, one cat was in a box that was on it’s side and had about an inch opening in the bottom. It had been pushed over next to that toy and she was batting the ball through that slit in the box. Oh my, the other kittens thought that was great fun! One would bat the ball back around to her and the other kitten was on top of the box, boxing at the kitten in the box. The memory still makes me laugh.

One of my dear friends reminded me how sacred time is when babies are little. It will never happen again with them and so to enjoy every moment. I have, I do, it is an important part of my own health and wellness to have the responsibility and love for and from these fur babies. This picture is poignant for me as now they have grown and no way will three kittens fit in the kitty tower. Maybe two, but it is generally one who is enjoying it. Two of the cats take turns, Ginger loves it most but Marmalade is often in it too. Traci will scratch on the cat tower but isn’t interested in sleeping in the bed at the top. So interesting to watch these little beings with their individual personalities, likes and dislikes!

Continue to Part 8