HHWG – Writer’s Group

In January of 2021, I decided to participate in a Hay House writer’s challenge. This led me to join the Hay House Writer’s Community. From there I found a link to a writer’s accountability group over zoom. I quickly signed up as I needed the discipline to create the habit of writing, by participating with other people working on similar projects. It has been a wonderful experience. I have not followed the Hay House protocol/steps, yet, for how to get my book written and published, but I have written quite a bit, learned a lot and have self published my “Little Book of Hope”. I’ve been inspired and learned so much from other writers in our group.

Our writer’s group is open to anyone who wants and needs the commitment and accountability. Showing up is not only for the group, but for ourselves. Showing up to be the writer that is within us. Many of us are dedicated to these regularly schedule workshops to get our bottoms in the chair and our pen in hand or fingers on the keyboard. The dedicated time to write regularly has helped many of us move forward on our variety of writing projects.

The zoom room is opened 15 minutes before start time for community time. Time to check in with each other, share some love, share our struggles and successes. The workshop starts at the top of the hour (7am HST) opening the meeting with a short meditation to get us grounded, centered and in our heart space before we start writing. We put what our intentions are in the chat at the beginning of the workshop to aid in the accountability. Writing time is just shy of an hour and a half. The group comes back together at a half past the next hour (8:30 am HST) to share. Each writer has a few minutes to share how they did, were they on task, did they get accomplished what they set out to do. After everyone has shared, if people want to stay on and talk, the room is kept open for awhile afterwards to accommodate this.

If that sounds like something you would like to participate in, we welcome you. Please contact us at hhwritersgroup at gmail dot com and we will send you the link.

Writers Past and Present



  1. Margot -

    Dear Jacklyn, I am going to share this with my writer friend Carol Bemmels who lives in New Jersey. She is a published poet and looking for a group of like-minded women writers. This is a lovely summary of who we are and what we do . Word of the day is alchemy which I believe our group has in spades. Look forward to hooking up with you all again today.

  2. sherri margolin -

    Hi Jacklyn,
    Checking in here … a beautiful website. Testing out my tech skills from our discussion from group earlier today…as I head over to buddy press unless this it. 🤔

    • Jacklyn Garnick -

      Thank You, It still needs work but just like me, is a work in progress. It’s all a process. Please check your email for instructions on how to get into our buddyPress. 🙂

  3. Shàrie W -

    Hello everyone/Jacklyn,
    Are use the very first email you sent Jacklyn to be able to access the site and it allowed me to login and then so I don’t know what the other things were about.
    Thank you for setting this up and I hope I’ll be able to use it successfully,
    Shàrie W

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