Writers Past and Present

The following is a list of the writers who have joined us in the HHWG at various times. Some have accomplished what they came to our group for and moved on. Some have had life changes that no longer allows them to write on our schedule. Everyone has their own journey and has added something to this group as it has and does move along. Some of us keep coming back as we get clarity on our own writing projects, enjoying the community of like minded writers, the commitment of showing up for ourselves, our love of writing. Please contact us if you would like to join on three times a week writing group.

Amy DeBourget

Amy Darby

Anna Gatmon

Ann Ranson

Anrael also now on Substack https://anraellightheartedvoice.substack.com/

Bev Berry

Dr. Bonnie Nussbaum

Brenda Hopkins

Cindy Kubica

Diana Badger

Diana Bluthenthal

Evelyne (Bipendu Marie-Evelyne Tshinyama)

JackLyn Garnick

Janice Nathan

Leslie Bruhn

Linda Guglieri Dowling

Marie-Evelyne Tshinyama

Margot Mac


Melanie Murphy

Michelle Mical

Nancy Shobe

Rabia Barkins

Dr Renetta Hatcher MD

Rhory Kadish Lamboy

S Billups

Sharie Wiseman

Sherri Maragolin

Susan Ward

Tashaki Ford

Veronica Lee

Zhana Mirosevic